Software, listed in reverse chronological order, that has been released (or contributed to) by present and past members of our group.
Serverledge is a Function-as-a-Service framework designed for Edge-Cloud environments. Serverledge relies on a decentralized architecture, with no centralized gateways for function invocations, and supports horizontal and vertical function execution offloading.
OpenCoarrays is an open-source software project that produces an application binary interface (ABI) used by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Fortran front-end to build executable programs that leverage the parallel programming features of the Fortran 2018 Draft International Standard.
The OpenCoarrays project team is an international collaboration of researchers in academia, industry and national laboratories.
- spGPU is a library for sparse linear algebra on GPUs.
- GitHub repository
Distributed Storm
Distributed Storm is an extension of Apache Storm, that provides distributed monitoring, scheduling and management capabilities.
- GitHub repository
MOSES (MOdel-based SElf-adaptation of SOA systems) provides a platform for developing and experimenting with different QoS-driven adaptation policies and mechanisms exploited in the context of service oriented systems.
- GitHub and SourceForge repositories
MLD2P4 (MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package based on PSBLAS) provides parallel Algebraic MultiGrid and Domain Decomposition preconditioners, to be used in the iterative solution of linear systems. It is based on PSBLAS.
Parallel Sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (PSBLAS) provides a framework to enable easy, efficient and portable implementations of iterative solvers for linear systems, while shielding the user from most details of their parallelization.